Report Worrisome or High Risk and Suspicious Activity
Worrisome and high risk behaviours are those that cause concern for members of the Sheridan Community. This may include drawing pictures, writing stories, or making vague statements that do not, of themselves, constitute “uttering threats” as defined by law, but cause concern for members of the Sheridan Community because of their violent and destructive content.
Suspicious activity refers to suspicious behaviour, persons and activity.
Have you witnessed such behaviour on campus? Have you overheard a peer discussing such activities? Have you seen such posts or tweets on your social media sites?
Please speak up! Your assistance in reporting such activity on campus will help to maintain a safe and secure environment for Sheridan’s students, employees and visitors.
Your report will remain anonymous unless you choose to provide contact information (for feedback), or unless Sheridan is required to provide the information in accordance with applicable law and/or Sheridan policies. No person who, in good faith, reports such behaviour in accordance with the Sheridan Threat Assessment Policy will be subject to retaliation.
Important Note: If you are a witness to criminal or life-threatening activity as it is happening, call 911 from a safe location. For other activity, contact Campus Safety at 905-815-4044.
Joshua Fortier, Manager, Campus Safety
Alternatively, take a few minutes to program your cell phone with the Campus Safety phone number: 905-815-4044.
To request a Campus Safety personnel OR SafeWalk escort, contact Campus Safety at the following number: 905-815-4044.
Fill out the below form to report any suspicious persons, behaviour or activity: