Withdrawals and Refunds
If you decide not to attend Sheridan after paying your full semester fees, non-refundable fee deposit, or declaring your intent to register, you must formally withdraw by the 10th day of classes (Eastern Daylight Time).
If there is a school closure after the 10th day of classes, the withdrawal deadline is extended to the end of the day before the 11th business day.
Refer to the Deadlines to withdraw for a partial refund (2024–2025) below.
Note: Your fee deposit is non-refundable.
See the Student Account Policy and Student Account Procedure for complete information.
Deadlines to withdraw for a partial refund (2024–2025):
- Fall 2024 semester: September 16, 2024
- Winter 2025 semester: January 19, 2025
- Spring/Summer 2025 semester: May 19, 2025
See the Academic Calendar for withdrawal deadlines without academic penalty.
How to withdraw
Domestic students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents)
Complete the withdrawal form in myStudentCentre (on the "My Service Requests" tile) by the deadline noted (10th day of classes). Withdrawal deadline dates can be found on the Academic Calendar.
- On the Service Requests page, select "Create New Request."
- Under the Request Category column, select "Student" and then click "Next."
- Under the Request Type column, select "Program Withdrawal Request" and then click "Next."
- Input your comment in the textbox and upload any relevant documentation related to the request.
- Please include your program and specify whether you would like to withdraw from the term or your program overall.
- Note: if you do not provide this information, you will be withdrawn from your program.
The status of the withdrawal request will be updated when the process is completed.
If you do not formally withdraw by the deadline, you'll be required to pay the full tuition and fees for the semester. Your tuition fee deposit is non-refundable.
International students
Before you decide to withdraw from a course or semester, we recommend speaking with an International Student Adviser to discuss the potential impacts of withdrawing on study permits and/or immigration status in Canada. Book an appointment to speak with an International Student Adviser.
New students
If you are starting your first semester in a new program and have decided to withdraw, you must complete the International New Student Deferral/Refund Form by the deadline noted (10th day of classes). Withdrawal deadline dates can be found on the Academic Calendar. If you do not formally withdraw by the deadline, no refund will be processed and you'll be required to pay the full tuition and fees for the semester. Your tuition fee deposit is non-refundable.
Returning students
If you are a returning student and have decided to withdraw from your program or semester, you must complete the withdrawal form in myStudentCentre (on the "My Service Requests" tile) by the deadline noted (10th day of classes). Withdrawal deadline dates can be found on the Academic Calendar.
- On the Service Requests page, select "Create New Request."
- Under the Request Category column, select "Student" and then click "Next."
- Under the Request Type column, select "Program Withdrawal Request" and then click "Next."
- Input your comment in the textbox and upload any relevant documentation related to the request.
- Please include your program and specify whether you would like to withdraw from the term or your program overall.
- Note: if you do not provide this information, you will be withdrawn from your program.
The status of the withdrawal request will be updated when the process is completed.
If you do not formally withdraw by the deadline, you'll be required to pay the full tuition and fees for the semester. Your tuition fee deposit is non-refundable.
Applicable refunds are automatically initiated for students who withdraw.
How much will I be refunded?
Domestic and returning international students
Domestic and returning international students who formally withdraw by the applicable deadline are entitled to a refund of the full tuition and ancillary fees for the semester or program period, less the tuition deposit, and a refund in full of any tuition and ancillary fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters.
If you withdraw after the withdrawal deadline, or if you do not submit a request on the "My Service Requests" tile in myStudentCentre, no refund will be issued and all outstanding fees must be paid.
New international students
For international students starting their first semester in a new program, all refunds are subject to a $2,000 non-refundable withdrawal fee.
International students who are refused their study permit are eligible for a full refund of fees paid. To qualify, students must submit an official refusal letter issued by IRCC before the tenth day of classes for 14-week regular sessions, or before the fourth day of classes for 7-week compressed sessions, by completing the International New Student Deferral/Refund Form. Refusal letters from previous semesters will not be accepted.
The Health Insurance fee is non-refundable after the first day of class. All other refundable fees will be refunded.
Frequently asked question: If my visa is refused after I begin studying remotely, am I entitled to a refund?
You may apply for an exception to obtain a partial refund if you receive a visa refusal after the official withdrawal deadline.
You are required to:
- Complete the Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form to upload a copy of your visa refusal letter. At the end of the form, select "Refund."
- Submit a withdrawal request on the My Service Requests tile in myStudent Centre.
- On the Service Requests page, select "Create New Request."
- Under the Request Category column, select "Student" and then click "Next."
- Under the Request Type column, select "Program Withdrawal Request" and then click "Next."
- Input your comment in the textbox and upload any relevant documentation related to the request.
- Please include your program and specify whether you would like to withdraw from the term or your program overall.
- Note: if you do not provide this information, you will be withdrawn from your program.
The Fee Refund Appeal Committee will then consider your request for a refund of fees minus any non-refundable fees as per the related Student Account Procedure for example, administrative fee of $200, health insurance fees, program kit fees).
You will not receive academic credit for the semester in which you receive a refund. Entrance scholarship, if awarded, will be reversed.
The Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form must be received by Sheridan by the last day of the semester in order to be considered for a refund. View the Academic Calendar to find out the last day of the semester.
If you do not submit the Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form by the end of the semester, or if you receive a refusal from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) after the end of the semester, you will not be eligible to receive a refund for that semester.
How will I receive my refund?
If your payment was made from a Canadian bank account:
Your refund will be sent as an email money transfer (i.e., Interac e-Transfer) to your Sheridan student email account.
If your payment was made through CIBC's Student Pay Portal:
Your refund will be sent to the account that the payment was made from.
If you're an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) recipient:
Any refund, less the non-refundable tuition deposit, will be directed to the National Student Loans Service Centre to pay down current year OSAP debt. All other tuition and ancillary fees, except for the Academic Co-op Charge, will be refunded to you by email money transfer (i.e., Interac e-Transfer) if you formally withdraw by the deadline.
If your fees were paid by OSAP and another means (e.g., Canadian bank account), they will be refunded to you based on the method of payment (see above for more information).
If your payment was made by direct international bank wire transfer:
Your refund will be issued by wire transfer. You will be contacted at your Sheridan student email account by a member of the Student Accounts refund team with further instructions. Note: A $50 bank wire transaction fee will be deducted from your refund.
How to request a deferral
Domestic students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents)
If you would like to inquire about how to request a deferral on your offer of admission to a subsequent semester, please log into your Applicant portal, and submit your request in the Admissions Help Centre on your main portal page.
If you're requesting a deferral to a subsequent academic year, your request will be reviewed by the Deputy Registrar, New Student Enrolment.
International students
All deferral requests must be submitted by completing the International New Student Deferral/Refund Form before the 10th day of classes. Deferrals are subject to approval and cannot always be accommodated.
- Deferrals that can be accommodated will be processed with no deduction in fees.
- Deferral requests that cannot be accommodated will be processed as refunds, with fee deduction as per the refund policy.
Frequently asked question: If my visa is refused after I begin studying remotely, can I defer my program and get a new offer letter to reapply for the visa?
You may apply for an exception to defer partial fees to a future semester if you receive a visa refusal after the official withdrawal deadline.
You are required to:
- Complete this Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form to upload a copy of your visa refusal letter. At the end of the form, select "Hold the fees on account for a future intake."
- Submit a withdrawal request on the My Service Requests tile myStudentCentre.
- Apply for a new semester through your application portal. Application is subject to program availability. The admissions team will assess your application for a new offer.
- The Fee Refund Appeal Committee will then consider your request for a reversal of fees minus any non-refundable fees as per the related Student Account Procedure (for example, administrative fee of $200, health insurance fees, program kit fees).
You will not receive academic credit for the semester in which you receive a fee reversal. Entrance scholarship, if awarded, will be reversed.
The Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form must be received by Sheridan by the end of the semester in order to be considered for a fee reversal. View the Academic Calendar to find out the last day of the semester.
To be clear, if you do not submit the Refund / Reversal of Charges Appeal Form by the end of the semester, or if you receive a refusal from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) after the end of the semester, you will not be eligible to receive a fee reversal for that semester.
Additional notes:
- Once the new offer is issued, you will be considered a candidate for the new semester, so all rules and regulations for the new semester will apply.
- The refund policy of the new semester will take precedence. You will not be able to use the current semester's visa refusal letter to claim a refund for the new semester.
Amounts still owing
After your withdrawal has been processed, please review your Account Summary through the Financial Account tile in myStudentCentre. If there's a positive balance on your account, that's an amount that you owe to Sheridan and must pay to the school. Refund requests will be automatically initiated once you've completed the withdrawal process.
Assessment process for interrupted studies
If you're a continuing student (full- or part-time), you should note that if your studies are interrupted (that is, you were not enrolled or you withdrew from school) for two or more consecutive semesters, the Academic Faculty will re-assess the credits you earned in previous semesters against the current version of the program of study when you re-start the program, as per the Graduation Policy and Graduation Procedure.
The Office of the Registrar should be informed of the outcome of this assessment in order to register you to re-start your studies in the appropriate semester of the program. If your studies have been interrupted, the time to complete your program will be re-aligned to begin at the point at which credits were most recently assessed against the current version of the program. The Dean of the Faculty or designated Associate Dean reserves the right to waive this requirement.
Fees refund/reversal of charges appeals
Applicable refunds are automatically initiated for students who withdraw.
If you did not formally withdraw by the deadline, but have documented extenuating circumstances and wish to appeal for a refund of tuition and/or administrative fees, you may be considered for an appeal.
How to appeal for a refund
Step 1: Make sure you meet the criteria for an appeal
Make sure you meet the criteria for extenuating circumstances and can provide required supporting documentation. Appeals will only be considered for the following reasons:
Reason Documents required Health: Student is experiencing unforeseen, serious, documented medical event(s). (E.g., unanticipated onset of health-related illness, condition, crisis or surgery).
- Student Health Certificate that has been authorized by a Certified Health Professional. Note: Students are not required to submit separate documentation that discloses the nature of their illness (recommended).
- If a Student Health Certificate cannot be obtained, a note from the student's health-care provider will be accepted provided it indicates that studies were/are impacted.
Personal: Student's ability to attend has been affected by an accident, critical illness or death of an immediate family member, or an unexpected life changing event that is at no fault of the student.
Supporting documentation from a third party that substantiates the claims made in the appeal. Examples can include:
- Death Certificate or an obituary where the student is named as a dependent of the deceased.
- Other supporting documentation, if possible.
Procedural (e.g., administrative error by a Sheridan staff member or department)
- Student must provide a written explanation that clearly outlines the error made by Sheridan, including all important details such as names, dates, etc.
- Police reports, lease termination notice(s), eviction notice(s).
Study Permit Refusal - Study Permit Refusal issued by the Government of Canada.
- Appeal must be received before the last day of the referenced semester.
Step 2: Review the related policies and procedures
Step 3: Submit your appeal form and supporting documentation
Complete the Application for Fees Refund / Reversal of Charges form and submit supporting documentation. If you can't access this form, please contact your Record Specialist.
Step 4: Wait for an email letting you know whether a refund will be granted
You'll receive an email response to your Sheridan email address in 2–4 weeks.
If a refund is granted, your account will be credited. If the appeal results in a credit balance, a refund will be provided based on the method of payment you used when paying your tuition and fees.
Please note: OSAP recipients will be assessed for refunds with the National Student Loans Service Centre.