Idea Generator
Education is your path to a career!
The Idea Generator is a great starting point to generate some possibilities if you want to come to Sheridan but are not sure what program to take. Or perhaps you are already a student here but are thinking about switching programs.
The Idea Generator is not a comprehensive assessment but it does help you determine your career interest pattern and then suggest programs which relate to your interest themes. Research shows that the better the match between you and your program, the higher likelihood of student success. Take the quiz now It only takes around 10 minutes, after which you can:
- see your 6 interest codes & scores
- learn more about the interest coding system
- browse Sheridan programs to match you codes
- request score to be emailed to yourself
- use Career QuickTips, a gateway to our picks for links to immediately-useful resources for career exploration and educational planning.
- look up the typical occupational outcomes and labour market conditions for the career field(s) that each Sheridan program can lead to.
- attend a Career advising workshop for future students, to learn more about our career planning tools to help you choose the right program.
- work through our Career Planning Micro-Course, a self-directed course to walk you through the process in detail, includes downloadable modules, worksheets and videos.